Wednesday, November 16, 2011

One A Day: The Art Vitamin For Me

I've given it some thought, and I am pretty certain that art makes me who I am. Now while art alone does not define me - as I am so many others things as well - it does make up a rather large portion. You know that expression, "She was born with glitter in her veins"? Well that is how I feel...only light on the glitter. I truly feel like art runs through me. The ideas, the process, the final piece - it all awakens me from within. I know, sounds deep, huh? I am trying not to sound like a nut, but I can't find any other way to put it. I think and then I create. It is me, I am it. Get where I am going with this?

Since my artwork tends to be large in size and take some time to complete, I feel an uncontrollable need to create smaller things in between completions. Mostly "crafty" things that interest me along the way. Things I see somewhere and say, "oh, I need to try that".  They are usually things with the kiddos, for parties, or some type of house decor. Crafty things. And while they are usually simple, they keep my artistic side updated and fresh.

I've found that if I do just one thing that provides instant (or almost instant) gratification, my day seems more complete. And since I have been told by others that I should blog these things, then perhaps I will do just that. Some day's projects may be simple and others may be more complex, but I will attempt to, for one full year, create something new and share it on my blog. That is 365 "things"... I can do it.

So follow along if you so desire and I'll lead you to my, uh, ummm.....creations.

Oh, and one more thing. I am a complete Pinterest ( addict so a lot of ideas and projects come straight from there. Something I re-pinned today pretty much sums it up:

Pinterest is to women, as fantasy football it to men :)

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